Howdy folks, The Amazon link above is your personal link to purchase any of the tools we use for all of our how-to teaching guide video’s, we demonstrate and explain in detail so that you may get a greater understanding of the stucco/plastering application,
if you’re interested in the trowels and tools we use please click on our Amazon account above:

Live long and Plaster

Once you’re on the link or page I show the most common tools but you can scroll along and find other tools you’re looking for too in the same link. Remember we teach you how to repair your #1 investment, “Your home,” so save the dough and DIY with the tools we show on our link.
Plus this supports us too so we can keep making these teaching videos’

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Kirk Giordano Plastering Inc.

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Plaster, it’s everywhere you want to

Howdy guys and gals, this short video explains in a detailed description of why we removed the flashing that was simply caulked to a stucco wall, and the steps we took to remove the stucco too, in order to waterproof the wall correctly and bring it up to code requirements, and give it a nice cosmetic appearance.
How to remove and repair roof to wall plaster flashing’s.

Hi folks Kirk here, your favorite plastering guy with more free
educational and inspiring teaching videos below