Sydney Western Suburbs Leaking Tile Roofing Repair – Leaking Ridge Capping On A Terracotta Tile Roof
The 3 steps to repairing a leak on a Sydney Western Suburbs terracotta tile roof:
1) Find the leak.
2) Re-bed the ridge capping with weep holes. Prepare the ridge capping for re-pointing.
3) Re-point the ridge caps with flexible pointing compound – ensuring the weep holes are re-instated.
The 3 steps to repairing a leak on a Sydney Western Suburbs terracotta tile roof:
1) Find the leak.
2) Re-bed the ridge capping with weep holes. Prepare the ridge capping for re-pointing.
3) Re-point the ridge caps with flexible pointing compound – ensuring the weep holes are re-instated.
About the Author: Joseph Borello
Long Island Roofing Contractors - Commercial Roofing & Residential Roofing and Repairs from Suffolk County to Nassau County Long Island New York.
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