Elon Musk has now revealed his latest new product – solar shingles that are designed and developed to replace traditional roofs. These new solar shingles will generate electricity while affording all the benefits of a traditional roof. In addition, the innovative new product is said to be far more durable, reliable and last longer than typical roof shingles and tiles and will be completely competitive with the traditional roofing materials that have consumed the market in years past.
Following the announced merger with SolarCity in November, which was approved by an 85% majority of unaffiliated shareholders, Musk finally revealed that his innovative solar shingles will actually present with a cheaper price tag than your typical roof tiles and will definitely last a whole lot longer. His primary message is that the new solar shingles not only last much longer, will cost much less, and look much better than a typical roof, but that they will also generate much needed electricity by way of solar energy and present with an overly attractive appearance as well.
Research has revealed that the sun provides enough energy in one hour to supply energy needs for an entire year. Why not take advantage of this and let your home capture all the energy needed by way of Tesla’s soon to be released solar shingles that will provide the transformation of sunlight into efficient electricity and energy for immediate use in your home, in not only an effective but truly energy efficient way as well. The solar tiles are invisible when observed from a distance while being completely exposed to the sun from your rooftop. This added feature is well received since the shingles do not take away from the overall appearance of your home, but rather are integrated into the roof so as to remain unseen while delivering solar energy and a very sleek and stylish appearance to your roof and home.
These cutting edge solar shingles will feature tempered glass designed and manufactured by Tesla, solar power technology developed jointly by Tesla and sister company SolarCity, as well as a unique solar film that was specifically designed and developed for Musk’s truly appealing solar shingles project. How can anyone go wrong with this top of the line, innovative product that is sure to satisfy the energy and financial needs of homeowners everywhere? With that said, is there any reason why a consumer would opt to purchase any other roofing product? Surely the obvious answer is no. Spend less money, gain more durability and reliability, and enhance the overall appearance and value of your home, all the while generating much needed electricity by way of solar energy. Certainly a dream come true!
Musk has further revealed that, though the materials needed to develop and manufacture the solar shingles are a bit higher in cost, consumers will see the greatest savings and do justice to their pocketbooks through the shipping costs. Because these state of the art solar shingles weigh much less than typical roofing shingles, and are a great deal more durable than your typical roofing materials, they will cost much less to ship and will incur minimized transportation costs as well. In addition, because of their durability, the breakage percentage will be drastically reduced thereby reducing costs further.
The new solar shingles are expected to hit the market by the close of 2017, and are expected to be launched as a premium product at its roll-out, which means, if you will be in the market for a new roof sometime in the upcoming 2017 year, then surely it makes perfect sense to put off your home improvement project until the end of the year when these top of the line, superior solar shingles will come available for installation. The new solar shingles will look very much like typical premium roofing tiles, but will also afford consumers with solar panels for environmentally safe power generation. Tesla feels confident that the company will incur very low production costs in comparison to the production costs of traditional roofing materials and tiles. Why would consumers settle for less, when they can instead, pay less and gain more in durability, reliability, appearance and environmentally safe performance?
Today the whole world is focused on energy efficiency and certainly solar energy is at the top of the charts. These truly innovative Tesla Solar Shingles are sure to become the number one choice of both homeowners and business owners alike by the close of 2017, for efficient solar energy that is every bit reliable and durable as it is affordable and overwhelmingly attractive. 2017 looks to be the start of a whole new era of renewable and sustainable energy that starts with Tesla’s state of the art, soon to be launched solar shingles. Mark your calendars and get ready to make a difference in your home, your energy savings and yes, the environment as well with the installation of the new Tesla solar shingles.
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